All this stress for degree wey no go give work” – Video shows girls sneaking into class during lecture. A viral video depicts the scene where several female students are caught sneaking into their lecture hall while a class is already in progress.
Evidently, they arrived late to class, and their lecturer was known for his strict policy against tardiness.
The video shows the students discreetly entering the room while the lecturer is teaching.
Some of the ladies even had to crouch down and crawl on all fours to find the nearest available seat.
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People reactions below
@Winniebby09 said: “Humanities can do the undoable in ust😂”
@TAM B😌❤️😎 said: “In use hand open door😂”
@FOOD/PASTRY IN LAGOS 🍲🍝🥞 said: “I had a lecturer who doesn’t joke with attendance, he would count immediately he enters, check the attendance list after lecture then strike the names below the number he counted 😂😂..”
@TAM B😌❤️😎 said: “Ona shock the man😂😂😂”